
Let me tell you about my love of the band, Mumford and Sons. I first heard about them from my soul sister, Zoe. I used to make fun of her hipster sad music as I basked in my cheesy pop ballads. I really did not take notice of them until my late Guncle Robby made…


  Whenever life’s bitter knife strikes my heart all I crave is serenity. Sometimes, I picture myself in the wide open field on my great grandparent’s farm. It is filled with vibrant green grass, daisies and surrounded by a thick forest. The air is cool, but there is a heavenly warmth from the sun. In…

Turn on the Light.

One of my favorite lessons from this last year is learning my ability to change my situation. It is a freeing feeling that I do not have to settle for mediocre because I have the power and ability to change it. My life is only as mediocre as I allow it to be. Right now…

Invincible Summer.

My journey through grief has been such a learning experience. One would expect it to be difficult, but I never expected the deep level of soul-searching that happens. Grief essentially strips you down to your core and you’re forced to face your WHOLE self. That includes all those deep dark corners of yourself that you have…

This is a marathon.

Different day. Same battle. Someone else got the happiness that I wanted. Nothing happened to me. They didn’t do anything to me or because of me. But tell that to my emotions. I took a long walk because it wasn’t so freezing out this weekend. My head was all over the place. I started talking…

Let it go, girl. Let it go.

Letting go of my bitterness has been a challenge. How can I be hurt by people who are simply living their lives post-losing Kevin? It’s not anyone’s fault. I just seem to be having a hard time letting go of this hurtful feeling that I am being forgotten now that Kevin is gone. That without Kevin I no longer matter to…

Life, uncluttered.

When I get stressed, I clean. It’s a sickness. A sickness that uses to plague Kevin to no end. Once, I came home from a minor surgery and was still out of it from anesthesia. Kev carried me to my bed and quickly fell asleep. A few minutes later he woke up to hearing me cleaning the…

Tell Them.

  Confession: I’m a fangirl of beauty vlogger, Jaclyn Hill. I already wrote about how makeup became the spark I needed to get my life started again (here), but what I did not mention was the source of that spark. It was Jaclyn Hill’s videos. It was another one those awful grief mornings. I pulled the…


“I don’t know my purpose in life, but I know that I love you.” That is a quote from Kevin that I have thought about an awful lot these last few months.  The idea that our life needs a purpose. You think you have all this time to figure out what that purpose is and then BAM!…

My September.

I found a new freedom in enjoying my life. Seems simple enough, however, this has been the hardest for me to accomplish. There were about six months of this past year where I only knew pain. I would go about my life in an almost robotic way to the point that it would scare me….

Get. On. The. Gondola.

My heart’s birthday is this Saturday, August 8th. He would have been 30 years old. Instead of talking about how gut wrenching that fact is for me to accept, I wanted to take this time to reflect on this short life we are given.  Because it is just that, short. It’s easy to get caught in the…